Year 6 Sats Maths – paper 1: arithmetic
Pupils sit their second set of SATs at KS2 level in Year 6. These tests are more formal than those taken in KS1 and have set exam days as well as external marking in the majority of schools. Children will take exams in English reading comprehension, grammar, punctuation, spelling, mathematical reasoning, and arithmetic.
As a Math teacher, I realized how stressed out students can be and how the covid situation puts them in dire straits. In addition, all new pupils in year 7 must absolutely have the level of this test for fear of feeling out in secondary school during maths lessons.
This is why I put this course online for free for the pratice of paper1 (Arithmetic). This course has been designed in such a way that the students encounter all possible types of questions. It covers all the topics your child needs to take the test. Test A is based on the 2019 test, the B test on the 2018 test, and so on. All questions are interactive. Hints are available, the goal being to be able to do without them little by little.
Navigate between the different tests, the questions and the whole test change each time you refresh your browser. You will then be able to see which chapters and LO to consolidate.
In another course wich constitutes the second part of this course and which you can find on our plateform “pass your Stats – paper 1 arithmetic” , you will find ALL of the important elements to succeed in each calculation: addition, subtraction, multiplication, Division, fraction and percentage.