SL 1.1 Standard form


  • – Express large and small numbers in scientific notation.
  • – Use your GDC (Graphic Display Calculator) to find numbers in scientific notation.

Consider the number:


There are two ways to round up the number by using fewer digits:
1. In a specific number of decimal places (d.p.)

in 1 d.p. 123.5
in 2 d.p. 123.46
in 3 d.p. 123.457

2. In a specific number of significant figures (s.f.). For the position of cutting we start counting from the first non-zero digit:

in 4 s.f. 123.5in 5 s.f. 123.46
InchangƩ : in 6 s.f. 123.457

But also

in 2 s.f. 120
InchangƩ : in 1 s.f. 100


Important remark: In the final IB exams the requirement is to giveInchangƩ : the answers either in exact form or in 3 s.f.

For example:


Exact form in 3 s.f.
\(\sqrt{2}\) 1.41
12348 12300


The method is the same as with decimal places except that you start counting from theInchangƩ : very beginning of the number (instead of just after the decimal point):

– If 5 or above then round the last number up.

– If 4 or below the last number stays the same


a. Round 15.748 to 3 significant figures.

b. Round 64.3463 to 2 significant figures.

c. Round 128.35 to 2 significant figures.




Find each of these values as a power of 10.

Example : 1 000 = 103

Ā  Ā 


Ā  Find each of these values as a power of 10.

Example : 0.001 = 10-3




For a positive integer n :

  • \(10^{\color{red}{n}}\) is written with a 1 followed by n zeros.
  • \(10^{\color{green}{-n}}\) is written with a 1 preceded by n zeros.



Exercise :


answer the question writing the letter, like this : \(s=2\)



How can we use our findings so far to express numbers as multiple of powers of ten .

For example \( 8, 000\) :

\( 8, 000 = 8 \times 1,\color{green}{000} \) and we know\( 1, \color{green}{000} = 10^{\color{green}{3}}\)

so, \( 8, \color{green}{000} = 8\times10^{\color{green}{3}}\)

what about \( 60 ,000 ,000 \) ?

\( 6\color{green}{0, 000 ,000 }= 6\times 1\color{green}{0 ,000 ,000}\)

\( 6\color{green}{0, 000, 000}= 6\times 10^{\color{green}{7}}\)

and \( 0.005 \)?

\(\color{red}{ 0.00}5=5\times \color{red}{ 0.00}1\)

\(\color{red}{ 0.00}5=5\times 10^{\color{red}{ -3}}\)


Match all these numbers with their form in \(a\times 10^{k}\) where \( k \in \mathbb{Z}\)




Scientific Notation


Any number can written in the form :

\( a \times 10^k\) where \( 1 \leq a<10 \) and \( k\in \mathbb{Z}\)



Scientific notation is a standard way of writing very large and very small numbers so that theyā€™re easier to both compare and use in computations.


Examples :



Write 427 000 000 000 in scientific notation:

  1. Move the decimal place to the left to create a new number from 1 up to 10. InchangƩ :
    • The decimal point is at the end of the number:
    • 427 000 000 000. So, \(a=4\color{red}{.}27\)
  2. Determine the exponent, which is the number of times you moved the decimal point.
    • In this example, you moved the decimal 11 times; also, because you moved the decimal to the left, the exponent is positive. Therefore, k = 11, and so you get \( 10^{11}\)
  3. Put the number in the correct form for scientific notation
    • \( a \times 10^{k}\)
    • \(4.27\times10^{11}\)

Write 0.00 000 037 in scientific notation.

  1. Move the decimal place to the right to create a new number from 1 up to 10.
    • So \( a=3\color{green}{.}7\)
  2. Determine the exponent, which is the number of times you moved the decimal point.
    • In this example, you moved the decimal 7 times; also, because you moved the decimal to the right, the exponent is negative. Therefore, \(a = ā€“7\), and so you get \(10^{-7}\)
  3. Put the number in the correct form for scientific notation
    • \( a \times 10^k\)
    • \(3.7\times10^{-7}\)




Exercise ā€“ Level šŸ”…


Exercise ā€“ Level šŸ”…šŸ”…

Exercise ā€“ Level šŸ”…šŸ”…šŸ”…

Exercise ā€“ Level šŸ”…šŸ”…šŸ”…šŸ”…

Most calculators use the symbol EĀ± for the scientific notation:


1.325E79 means \(1.325\times 10^{79}\)


Exercise :


They may ask us to give the number in scientific form but also in 3 s.f. Then :




Quizizz as a warm up or at the end of your course. This resource can be used by the students themselves by clicking on the “practice” button:

Significant figures

Powers of 10

Scientific notation

Scientific notation-calculation